I decided to create this painting as my reaction of what HRC had to say about Abortion during the 3rd Presidential Debate in 2016 and the Woman's March in February 2017. This issue about Global Feticide has to be stopped by promoting awareness. Just because it is legal to abort a fetus does not make it right. Just as Slavery was legal for a long time did not make it right. Most women I personally know who have opted to abort for any number of reasons - Inconvenience, Financial Restraint, Wrong Timing etc - have lived to regret their decision. Selling baby organs is a lucrative business and unless we pause to understand how it effects us all -- this serious issue will continue to thrive promoting BLOOD MONEY Globally. I consider my self to be Pro-Life and Pro-Choice --- Choice to choose Abstinence, Birth Control Pills, Plan B, Tubal Ligation or Vasectomy. When an egg is fertilized it has a potential to grow into a human -- choosing to abort is committing a MURDER. Enough said.